I relate so much to this Kat, writing fiction is where I feel most like myself. When I first started writing seriously I attached way too much to external 'success' (getting an agent and all those things) and when I tried to sell my first novel, encouraged by mentors and prize short-listings, I was crushed when it didn't find a home. My biggest learning is to write for me, while it's beautiful to have a goal in mind to send it out, the joy of making the thing, of experimenting and playing and enjoying language and meeting other writers is all so beautiful. In terms of a day-to-day practice I became a coach so I could have a business that helps people and doesn't have to rely on my creative work and freedom over my time. Being around other writers is also something I find so helpful, so I think I'll always have courses and classes on go. I hope your return to fiction brings you lots of joy, will keep following to see how it goes! ♡

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Thank you for sharing this, I so agree - enjoying the process is so important. Trying to make sure I'm carving out time for it, the last few weeks have been busy but I've got one more class in the course to work through so prioritising it next week!

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